Stull Observatory

Stull Observatory

  • Academic
  • Administration

Astronomy at Alfred University has a long history, dating back to the Civil War when the University purchased its first telescope, a 9-inch refractor made by Henry Fitz. Since the mid-1960s, first under the guidance of Dr. John Stull, professor emeritus of physics, and now under Dr. David Toot, the observatory has grown to such a size and stature that it is considered one of the finest teaching observatories in the United States.

About this Facility

In addition to the original 9-inch, f/13 refractor, the Stull Observatory now has a 6-inch heliostat, one 8-inch Schmidt-Cassegrain reflector for H-alpha solar observations and another for general use, a DFM 16-inch, f/8 RC-Cassegrain (computer-controlled), a 20-inch, f/5.5 manual newtonian, a 24-inch, f 6.5 computer-controlled Planewave CDK reflector, and a 32-inch, automatic f/4.5 newtonian.  We have a number of CCD and CMOS cameras. 

All the telescopes are capable of accepting imaging CCDs and CMOS cameras and are used for general imaging and time-series photometry of asteroids, variable stars, transiting exoplanets and more.

The Stull Observatory is open to the public on clear Friday nights from 9 to 11 p.m. in September, October, November, February, March and April. In May, June and July, it is open on Thursday nights from 10 p.m. to midnight.  To find out if the sky is clear enough for the observatory to be open, please call 607-871-2270

Reservations are not required, but are requested for large groups. For more information or to make reservations, send an e-mail to or call 607-871-2208 during business hours.